A 25’x 70’ switchgear roof showing significant signs of aging. With the equipment onboard this roof needed protection from more than the natural elements, it needed a coating that would stand up to maintenance workers and the gear they carry!
We worked closely with the power company to restore one half of the roof at a time to ensure power remained available to the community. We power-washed the roof using a salt and chemical neutralizer followed by a primer designed for reinforcing rusty steel substrates; this insures adhesion of our roof coatings. Finally the base coat of Nukote ST® followed by the top coat of Nukote PA II were applied.
The life of the roof has been extended for decades, with a manufacturer's warranty of 20 years included!
Polyurea is the best option for your high traffic, low slope roof. Polyurea (think truck bed liner) is one of the strongest waterproof and protective barriers available that stands up to maintenance traffic, even the occasionally dropped tool!
Polyurea (think truck bed liner);
one of the strongest waterproof and protective barriers available!